Sunday, November 05, 2006


We're back from London! Great time. Mildly brisk and sunny for the most part. In addition to the standard tourist sights, highlights include:

- Running around in museums
- Two wildly bizarre plays--one where Kim Cattrall says "Do you see?" and "I don't care" so repeatedly, I think her character was autistic, and another where the two old men talked around a tree the whole time

- Suprisingly great food. Over the week we had Chinese, Indian, Lebanese, Spanish, and standard pub fare. I slugged down the most amazing cup of hot chocolate ever at a Spanish breakfast place. And we had brunch at Cafe Diana--a hole in the wall restaurant/shrine to Princess Di. It's been around since the 1980s, so there are these awkward letters from her and her staff thanking them in a very delicate "you're freaking me out...but thank you for your flowers/letters/updates" way.

- Views of London from the Eye and the other side of the Thames.

- Short trip to Oxford for some reminiscing.

Our neighborhood for the week

On the Eye

St. James Park



Magdalen College - Oxford


Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad that you're back! hope you ate enought delish british snacks and curry dipping sauce from McD's

9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hooray! the old men didn't talk so much around the tree as in front of the tree. nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes, it's awful!

8:58 AM  
Blogger Malek said...

you two are so cute.

um...was the second play "waiting for godot" or something? wtf?

2:18 PM  
Blogger ettennel said...

YES! Way to go, English Major! It was strange. But better than the Kim Cattrall one.

9:26 AM  

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